ZHU Jiping |
Ph.D.; Professor |
Experimental study and computer simulation of forest fire GIS-based fire management decision-making system Dynamic Assessment Model of Unconventional Emergency Response Procedures |
SONG Weiguo |
PH.D.; Professor |
Pedestrian and evacuation dynamics Self-organized criticality of fire system Performance-based fire protection design of buildings Fire monitoring with remote sensing |
PH.D.; Professor |
Networked control systems Artificial intelligence Vehicle tail gas remote sensing technology Stochastic hybrid control theory |
Ph.D.;Professor |
Pedestrian Traffic Dynamics Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Capacity Assessment on emergency treatments Application of virtual reality technology |
WANG Zhandong |
PH.D.; Professor |
Combustion kinetics and diagnostics Combustion and atmospheric pollutant controlling Advanced analytical chemistry diagnostics for complex reaction system |
LEI Jiao |
Ph.D.; Associate Professor |
Fire whirl, Crown fire, Spot fire Full-scale pool fires in cross wind Turbulent buoyant diffusion flame Ignition of forest combustibles Fire spread prediction of forest and grassland fires |
JIN Hanfeng |
Ph.D.;Professor |
Reaction kinetics of soot and fire smoke Novel lumping strategy for the development of combustion model Real-time simulation of fire combustion Inception and growth of soot nanoparticles Diagnostic of macro molecules and nanoparticles |
WEN Xu |
Ph.D.; Professor |
Numerical method development Turbulent combustion simulation Thermo-diffusively unstable flames Pollutant formation Simulation in fire safety |
TAN Peng |
Ph.D.; Professor |
Electrochemical energy technology Multi-field coupling of energy and mass transport Multi-scale modeling and simulation |
ZHAO Chun |
Ph.D.; Professor |
Wildland Fire – Atmosphere coupled model development and application Wildland Fire – Climate interaction Wildland Fire impact on ecosystem and environment |
YAO Bin |
Ph.D.;Associate Professor |
Urban Fire Safety and Advanced Fire Protection Technology Building Structural Fire Safety Railway and Subway Fire Safety Performance-based Fire Design and Assessment Technical Solution of Fire Safety for Special Space and Function |
CHEN Haixiang |
Ph.D. Associate Professor |
Thermal decomposition and combustion of forest fuels Smoldering of forest ground fire Wildland and Urban Interface Fire |
GAO Wei |
Ph.D.; Associate Professor |
Building Fire Dynamics Multiple Fire Interaction Turbulent Buoyant Flame |
FU Yuyun |
Associate Professor |
Satellite remote sensing Forest fire activity simulation and fire danger assessment Fire emission estimation |
ZHU Hong |
Ph.D.; Associate Professor |
Kinetic Analysis of Biomass Pyrolysis |
LAN Meng |
Ph.D.; Associate Professor |
Emergency Response and Public Safety in Compound Disasters Risk Modeling and Management of Natech Events and Industrial Accidents Intelligent Decision Support for Large-Scale Fires |
JI Congcong |
Ph.D.; Postdoctor |
Combustion Dynamics in Fire Whirl |
ZHU Long |
Ph.D.; Postdoctor |
Combustion Kinetics Ozone-assisted Combustion Synchrotron Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoionization Mass Spectrometry |
ZHANG Hongmin |
Ph.D.; Postdoctor |
Lightning-caused wildfire Wildfire caused by power line Fire-induced Flashover of power line |
LIU Zhihui |
Ph.D.; Postdoctor |
Combustion dynamics of fire whirl |
ZHANG Xiao |
Ph.D.; Postdoctor |
Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity Analysis of Factors Affecting Forest Fire Occurrence Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity Analysis of Factors Affecting Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Occurrence |