State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Jinzhai Road 96, Hefei, Anhui, P. R. China
P. O.: 230026
Tel: (+86) 551 63601651
Fax: (+86)551 63601669
E-mail: sklfs@ustc.edu.cn
Journals[1]Meng Lan., Paolo Gardoni., Rongshui Qin., Xiao Zhang., Jiping Zhu., Siuming Lo., Modeling NaTech-related domino effects in process clusters: A network-based approach, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 221, 108329, 2022.[2]Meng Lan., Jiping Zhu., Siuming Lo., Hybrid Bayesian network-based landslide risk assessment method for modeling risk for industrial facilities subjected to landslides, Reliability Engineering System Safety, 215, 107851, 2021.[3]Meng Lan., Paolo Gardoni., Wen
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Journals[1] Pengjie Liu, Chengdong Wang, Shijie Sun, Guangjin Zhao, Xiaoyang Yu, Yuxia Hu, Wenxin Mei, Kaiqiang Jin*, Qingsong Wang*. Understanding the influence of the confined cabinet on thermal runaway of large format batteries with different chemistries: A comparison and safety assessment study, Journal of Energy Storage, 74 (2023) 109337.[2] Pengjie Liu, Shi Li, Kaiqiang Jin*, Weidong Fu, Chengdong Wang, Zhuangzhuang Jia, Lihua Jiang, Qingsong Wang*. Thermal runaway and fire behaviors of li
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Journals[1] Zhang, X., Lan, M., Ming, J., Zhu, J., Lo, S. Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Forest Fire Occurrence Based on Remote Sensing Data: An Analysis in Anhui, China. Remote Sensing, 15(3)(2023), 598.[2] Lan, M., Gardoni, P., Qin, R., Zhang, X., Zhu, J., Lo, S. Modeling NaTech-related domino effects in process clusters: a network-based approach. Reliability Engineering System Safety, (2022),108329.
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Journals[1] Peiyu Duan, Haowen Wang, Qingkui Peng, Shiyao Chen, Hongmin Zhou, Qiangling Duan, Kaiqiang Jin*, Jinhua Sun*, Ultra-effective room temperature gas discrimination based on monolithic Pd@MOF-derived porous nanocomposites: an exclusive scheme with photoexcitation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2024) 1317-1324. (CoverArtwork)[2] Peiyu Duan, Haowen Wang, Hongmin Zhou, Songlin Zhang, Xiangdong Meng, Qiangling Duan, Kaiqiang Jin*, Jinhua Sun*, MOF-derived xPd-NPs@ZnO porous nanocompo
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Journals[1]Jiang Lv, Longhua Hu*, Xin Li, Hongyu Lu, Yuxuan Ma, Xiepeng Sun, Suk Ho Chung, Flame downwash behavior in horizontal jet fires with crossflow: Experiment and physical model, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 4003-4012.[2]Jiang Lv, Michael A. Delichatsios, Mary Deligiannis, Hongyu Lu, Xin Li, Yuxuan Ma, Xiepeng Sun, Longhua Hu*, Experimental study, dimensional analysis and an integral model for horizontal buoyant turbulent jet fires under opposing wind, Proceedings of
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Journals[1] Nan Zhu, Yuxuan Ma, Yajun Huang, Jiang Lv, Xiepeng Sun, Longhua Hu. Experimental study of upward flame spread behaviors over thermally thick vertical PMMA of various sample widths under normal wind [J], Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022, 39: 3879-3888[2] Nan Zhu, Xinyan Huang, Jun Fang, Lizhong Yang, Longhua Hu. Transitional flame-spread and fuel-regression behaviors under the change of concurrent wind [J], Fire Safety Journal, 2021, 120: 103015Reports[1] 39th Internation
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Journals[1] Hou, Y., Gao, M., ... Zhou, K. (2023). 3D Printed Conformal Strain and Humidity Sensors for Human Motion Prediction and Health Monitoring via Machine Learning.Advanced Science, e2304132-e2304132.[2] An, R.,Hou, Y., ... Zhou, K. (2023). Multi Jet Fusion of surface-modified ZnO nanorod–reinforced PA12 nanocomposites. Virtual and Physical Prototyping. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 18(1), e2273309.[3] Hou, Y., Gao, M., ... Zhou, K. (2023). Preparation of iron oxide–coated aramid f
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Journals[1] Liang Liang, Xihui Wang*, Jianguo Gao. An option contract pricing model of relief material supply chain; Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 2012,40(5),594-600[2] Wang, Xihui*; Li, Feng; Liang, Liang; Huang, Zhimin; Ashley, Allan, Pre-purchasing with option contract and coordination in a relief supply chain; INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 2015,167:170-176[3] Wang, Xihui*; Wu, Yunfei; Liang, Liang, Service outsourcing and disaster response methods in a r
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Journals32. Huang, S., J. Chen, Z. Zhang, X. Hao, J. Gu, Z. Wang, H. An*, C. Zhao*, Y. Hu, L. Chen, Y. Luo., J. Yao, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao, et al. (2023): Establishing a Modeling System in 3-km Horizontal Resolution for Global Atmospheric Circulation triggered by Submarine Volcanic Eruptions with 400 Billion Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, SC23: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Article No.: 9, Pages 1-12, https://doi.org/1
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Journals[1] Liu Q.*,Liu R., Zhang X., Li W., Harner T., Saini A., Liu H., Yue F., Zeng L., Zhu Y., Xing C., Li L., Lee P., Tong S., Wang W., Ge M., Wang J., Wu X., Johannessen C., Liggio J., Li S., Hung H.*, Xie Z.*, Mabury S. A.*, Abbatt J. P. D.* Oxidation of commercial antioxidants is driving increasing atmospheric abundance of organophosphate esters: Implication for global regulation.One Earth, 2023, 6, 1202-1212.[2] Yang D.,Liu Q.,Wang S., Bozorg M., Liu J., Nair P., Balaguer P., Song D., K
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Journals[1]Z.X. Zhao, Y. He, W.T. Yu, W.X. Shang, P. Tan*, 2023,Revealing the missing puzzle piece of concentration in regulating Zn electrodeposition.PNAS, 120, 2307847120. (IF=11.1)[2]X. Xiao, Z.J. Zhang, P. Tan*, 2023,Unveiling the mysteries of operating voltages of lithium-carbon dioxide batteries. PNAS, 120, 2217454120. (IF=11.1)[3]Z.J Zhang, X. Xiao, X. B Zhu, P. Tan*, 2023,Addressing Transport Issues in Non‑Aqueous Li-air Batteries to Achieving High Electrochemical Performance. Electroche
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Journals[1] Su, Y., Huang, H., Luo. T., Zhaneg, Y., Fan, J., Ren, H., Tang, M., Niu, Z., Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Liang, J., Ruan, B., Gao, L., Chen, Z., Wang, X., Sun, Q., 2022, Cell-in-cell structure mediates in-cell killing suppressed by CD44, Cell Discovery 8: 35.[2] Cong, J., Fan, Z., Pan, S., Tian, J., Lian, W., Li, S., Wang, S., Zheng, D., Miao, C., Ding, W., Sun, T., Luo, T., 2021, Polyacrylamide/chitosan based conductive double network hydrogels with outstanding electrical and mechanical pe
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Journals[1] Peng Qin, Mengran Liao, Danfeng Zhang, Yujun Liu, Jinhua Sun, Qingsong Wang*. Experimental and numerical study on a novel hybrid battery thermal management system integrated forced-air convection and phase change material [J], Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 195: 1371-81( ESI 高被引)[2] Peng Qin, Zhuangzhuang Jia, Jingyun Wu, Kaiqiang Jin, Qiangling Duan,Lihua Jiang*, Jinhua Sun, Jinghu Ding, Cheng Shi, Qingsong Wang*. The thermal runaway analysis on LiFePO4 electrical energy st
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Journals[1]Kun He, Long Shi, Shaogang Zhang, Wei Cong, Hui Yang, Xudong Cheng. Experimental study on temperature attenuation of smoke flow driven by dual fire sources in a tunnel [J].Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. (2023)134: 105004.[2]Kun He,Ying Zhen Li, Haukur Ingason, Xudong Cheng. Fire spread among multiple vehicles in tunnels using longitudinal ventilation [J].Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. (2023)133: 104967.[3]Kun He,Xudong Cheng, Ying Zhen Li, Haukur Ingason, Z
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Journals[1] Shangqing Tao, Jun Fang*, Longhua Hu*, Yahong Yang, Yuhang Chen, JinJun Wang, Suk Ho Chung, Near-extinction transient behaviors of counterflow nonpremixed flames in a porous spherical burner at very low stretch rate. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 259: 113115.[2] Shangqing Tao, Jun Fang*, Yuhang Chen, Hassan Raza Shah, Jingjun Wang, Longhua Hu, Structure and extinction of methane and propane nonpremixed counterflow flames at extremely low stretch rates in buoyant flowfields, Fuel, 2023,
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Journals[1]Chen Wang, Jie Ji. Experimental study of dynamic combustion behavior and heat transfer of heptane pool fire with burning time under thin fuel thickness (2.0 mm–14.0 mm). Energy, 2023, 270: 126973.[2]Chen Wang, Haowei Hu, Hao Zhang, Jie Ji, Zhigang Wang. Experimental study of the horizontal subsurface flow trajectory and dynamic external radiation of flame spread over diesel. Energy, 2022, 260: 125078.[3]Chen Wang, Jie Ji. Experimental study of fire plume temperature and radiant heat f
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Journals[1] Junrui. Duan, Haowei. Hu, Jie. Ji, Pyrolysis mechanism of β-D-glucopyranose as a model compound of cellulose: A joint experimental and theoretical investigation, Energy 282 (2023) 128245.[2] Junrui. Duan, Haowei. Hu, Jie. Ji, Mechanism study on arabinose pyrolysis by combining TG-FTIR-GC–MS and theoretical calculations, Combustion and Flame 245 (2022) 112352.[3] Junrui. Duan, Jie. Ji, Lili. Ye, Qinghui. Meng, Yitong. Zhai, Lidong. Zhang, Theoretical calculation of low-temperature oxi
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Journals[1] Jiao Lei#, Zhihui Liu#, Pengcheng Huang, Linhe Zhang, Naian Liu. Turbulent cylindrical fire whirl [J].Combustion and Flame, 2023, 112879.[2] Zhihui Liu, Naian Liu, Jiao Lei,Xuyang Miao, Linhe Zhang, Domingos X. Viegas. Evolution from conical to cylindrical fire whirl: An experimental study [J].Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, (38):4579-4586[3] Jiao Lei, Xuyang Miao, Zhihui Liu, Naian Liu, Linhe Zhang. Lifted flame in fire whirl: An experimental investigation [J]. Procee
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Journals[1] Yuhang Chen, Jun Fang, Xiaolei Zhang, Yanli Miao, Yujie Lin, Ran Tu, Longhua Hu*. Pool fire dynamics: Principles, models and recent advances [J]. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 95: 101070.[2] Yuhang Chen, Kazui Fukumoto, Xiaolei Zhang, Yujie Lin, Fei Tang*, Longhua Hu*. Study of elevated- and ground pool fire flame horizontal lengths in cross airflows: Air entrainment change due to Coandă effect [J]. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39(3): 4063-4073.[3
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Journals[1] Sun N., Zhu B., Cai X., Yu L., Yuan X., Zhang Y. Enhanced interfacial properties of carbon fiber/polyamide composites by in-situ synthesis of polyamide 6 on carbon fiber surface[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 599: 153889.[2] Sun N., Zhu B., Gao X., Qiao K., Zhang Y., Wang B., Fan J., Yu K., Liu C., Li C., Zheng Q. Improved the interfacial characteristics of carbon fiber/polyamide 6 composites by synthesizing polydopamine rapidly on the carbon fiber surface with ultrasound-assis
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