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State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Jinzhai Road 96, Hefei, Anhui, P. R. China
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Selected Publications of LV Jiang


[1] Jiang Lv, Longhua Hu*, Xin Li, Hongyu Lu, Yuxuan Ma, Xiepeng Sun, Suk Ho Chung, Flame downwash behavior in horizontal jet fires with crossflow: Experiment and physical model, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 4003-4012.

[2] Jiang Lv, Michael A. Delichatsios, Mary Deligiannis, Hongyu Lu, Xin Li, Yuxuan Ma, Xiepeng Sun, Longhua Hu*, Experimental study, dimensional analysis and an integral model for horizontal buoyant turbulent jet fires under opposing wind, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 4095-4104.

[3] Jiang Lv, Xiaolei Zhang*, Shixiang Liu, Hongyu Lu, Yuxuan Ma, Longhua Hu, Flame morphology of horizontal jets under sub-atmospheric pressures: Experiment, dimensional analysis and an integral model, Fuel 307 (2022) 121891.

[4] Jiang Lv, Qiang Wang*, Fei Tang, Xiepeng Sun, The evolution of flame geometrical characteristics and air entrainment of inclined jet flames, Process Safety and Environmental Protection 178 (2023) 414-422.


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Tel:(+86)551 3601651 | Fax:(+86)551 3601669 | E-mail:sklfs@ustc.edu.cn | ICP: D20380176