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Selected Publications of FANG Jun


[1] Jun Fang, Ran Tu, Jin-fu Guan, Jin-jun Wang, Yong-ming Zhang, 2011,Influence of low air pressure on combustion characteristics and flame pulsation frequency of pool fires, Fuel 90: 2760–2766.

[2] Fang Jun , Yu Chun-Yu, Tu Ran, Qiao Li-Feng, Zhang Yong-Ming, Wang Jin-Jun,2008,The influence of low atmospheric pressure on carbon monoxide of n-heptane pool fires, Journal of Hazardous Materials 154: 476–483.

[3] Fang Jun, Yuan Hong-Yong,2007, Experimental measurements, integral modeling and smoke detection of early fire in thermally stratified environments, Fire Safety Journal 42:11~24.

[4] Fang Jun, Ji Jie, Yuan Hong-Yong, Zhang Yong-Ming, 2006, Early fire smoke movements and detection in high large volume spaces, Building and Environment 41 (11): 1482-1493.

[5] Fang Jun, Ji Jie, Yuan Hong-Yong, Zhang Yong-Ming, Su Guo-Feng, 2006, Experimental and numerical study of smoke plumes in stable thermally stratified environments, Journal of Fire Sciences 24 (3): 177-193.

[6] Fang Jun,Shu Xueming,Yuan Hongyong,Zhen Xin, 2004,Self-preserving size distribution of fire soot fractal coagulation in flaming combustion, Journal of Fire Sciences 22(1):53-68.


[1] Wu Long Biao, Fang Jun, Xie Qi Yuan, Fire Detection and Signal Processing, Chemical Industry Publishing House, Beijing, 2006.


[1] Liao Guang Xuan, Fang Jun, Chapter 23, Combustion Technology Handbook (2nd ed), Chemical Industry Publishing House, Beijing, 2008.

Symposium Proceedings

[1] Fang, Jun; Yuan, Hongyong; Su, Guofeng, “Numerical and experimental study of fire smoke plumes in stably thermally stratified environments”, International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology(2004ISSST),2004,Shanghai

[2] Fang Jun,Yuan Hong-Yong,Ji Jie,Zhang Yong-Ming,Fan Wei-Cheng. “Research on early fire smoke movements and detection method in stably thermally stratified environments”,8th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science,2005,Beijing

[3] Fang Jun, Yuan Hong-yong. “Experimental Measurements, Integral Modeling and Smoke Detection of Early Fire In Thermally Stratified Environments”,13th International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection,2004,Germany

[4] FANG Jun, SHU Xue Ming, ZHANG Yong-Ming,YUAN Hong-Yong, FAN Wei-Cheng.”Fractal Morphology Effect upon Fire Smoke Particle Coagulation”, International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology(20064ISSST),Changsha.

[5]FANG Jun, YU Chunyu, QIAO Lifeng, ZHANG Yongming & WANG Jinjun,”Preliminary Study of Low Air Pressure Influence upon Standard Fires in Tibet” ,2008 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology, (2008ISSST )Beijing

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