L. Z. Yang, P. Rao, K. J. Zhu, S. B. Liu and X. Zhan (2012) Observation study of pedestrian flow on staircases with different dimensions under normal and emergency conditions. Journal/Safety Science 50 1173-1179. [In English]
Web link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2011.12.026
Keywords: Evacuation, Staircase movement, Student crowd, Emergency management, EVACUATION
Abstract: Compared with horizontal motion, there were several characteristics in staircase movement. This study focused on the movement characteristics in staircases of typical student crowds and the quantitative relations of flow rate-speed-density in different dimensions of staircases and different circumstances were obtained. Basic data concerning daily movement when classes were over and an evacuation drill for college students was collected through analysis of video observation. From the analysis, the following conclusions can be given: some typical characteristics of pedestrian movement in staircases were found, such as queuing behavior at platform, merging flow at staircase entrance, and subgroup behavior. Movement on stairs was markedly slower than the horizontal motions. In normal condition, the number and initial speed of students entering the staircase affected observably the pedestrians flow, and the impact of staircase attributes (riser, tread, slope, etc.) cannot be neglected. In different conditions, the characteristics of pedestrian movement were quite different, and the influence of the speed on the density was more significant in the emergency condition. The study highlighted the amassment phenomenon at the bottom of the staircase and the potential influence of stair widths to evacuation efficiency in evacuation drill. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.