Hao LY, Zhou Y, Zhu CL, Hu Y, Chen ZY (2001b) Inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposites fabricated by ultraviolet irradiation. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 30(2), 138-140. [In Chinese]
Web link: Keywords:
ultraviolet irradiation synthesis, in situ technique, inorganic-polymer, nanocomposite, nanoparticles, radiation, gold,
Abstract: Inorganic (CdS, Ag)-polyacrylamide (PAM) nanocomposites were prepared successfully using a convenient ultraviolet irradiation technique. II was found that the inorganic nanoparticles could be well homogeneously dispersed in the polymer matrices as the result from the fact that polymerization of organic monomer and formation of inorganic nanoparticles were simultaneous. It is very interesting that the presence of inorganic ions may be favorable for the polymerization of organic monomer, meanwhile the organic polymer matrices can efficiently prevent producing inorganic nanoparticles from aggregation. This technique is also applied to the fabrication of other inorganic-polymer hybrid nanocomposites.