State Key Laboratory of Fire Science (SKLFS) at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) has successfully joined the consortium of the International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (IMFSE) program as an associated partner. IMFSE students will now have the opportunity to pursue their M.S. thesis study at USTC supervised by the researchers from SKLFS.
The IMFSE program is a collaboration between Ghent University in Belgium, the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, and Lund University in Sweden. The goal of the program is to form the next generation of fire safety engineering experts capable of tackling the global fire safety challenges in the built environment and beyond by providing students a world-leading educational experience with advanced knowledge, skills and competences, Over the course of two years, students spend their first and third semesters at Ghent’s Department of Flow, Heat and Combustion Mechanics or Edinburgh’s Department of Fire Safety Engineering, and their second at Lund’s Division of Fire Safety Engineering. In their fourth and final semester, students choose to perform their M.S. thesis research at either one of these three full partner universities or at one of the program’s associated partners: the University of Queensland in Australia, ETH Zurich in Switzerland, University of Maryland in the United States, and now at USTC. Since its launch in 2010, the IMFSE program has enrolled more than 100 students from over 50 countries. It has been grown as the most prestigious international master student education program in the field of fire safety science.
As one of the leading institutes on research and graduate education in the field fire safety, joining the IMFSE program will provide a strong collaborative framework between SKLFS and international top academic institutions in fire safety engineering. Taking part in the established network of leaders in fire protection engineering education and research will not only enhance the influence of our laboratory and university in the world but also promote teaching and research exchanges with world-class colleagues at our top universities. It provides a mechanism for SKLFS to host IMFSE students, and also provides new opportunities for our own students to have a similar experience in overseas top fire research universities.
The IMFSE is financially supported by the Erasmus+ Programme for international higher education.
To learn more about the IMFSE program, visit
To learn more about the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, visit