Title: Overview of hydrogen safety research in Japan
Speaker: Prof. Mogi Toshio
From: The University of Tokyo, Japan
Date: Mar. 14, 2016 15:30
Recent studies for hydrogen safety in Japan have been performed on the safety regulations for hydrogen filling stations and hydrogen fueled vehicles, especially fuel cell vehicles. The project is mainly organized by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). The preparation of safety regulations for hydrogen supply stations is very important, and it is necessary to obtain safety data for preparing the safety regulations. Research and data acquisition activities of safety data for the hydrogen filling stations are carried out in AIST, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, IAE, Institute of Applied Energy, and JPEC, Japan Petroleum Energy Center. The author conducted experimental studies of hydrogen safety in AIST for some few years. In this article, the overviews of the research which the author conducted myself or was related are described mainly.