The 10th Asian Microgravity Symposium (AMS), held in Seoul, Korea in October 2014, announced the recipients for the Best Student Award. Only one awardee was selected for each of the 10 disciplines covered by this symposium. The recipient was selected based on the quality of the research work, the effectiveness of the presentation, as well as the presentation skills, significance, attitude for research and artwork of poster. Mr. Qiang Wang, Ph.D. student from the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science (SKLFS) of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), was selected for Best Student Award for his excellent work-in-progress poster “Lift-off behaviors and morphological characteristics of fuel lean laminar jet diffusion flames in microgravity”. Mr. Qiang Wang was the first one to win this award for the fire research community. The rewarded work has been jointly carried out by the groups of Prof. Longhua Hu (Mr. Wang’s Ph.D. supervisor) from SKLFS, Dr. Shuangfeng Wang from the National Microgravity Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Science, and Prof. Osamu Fujita from Hokkaido University. The work studied the flame height, volume, soot, lift-off and blow-out limit of turbulent jet diffusion flames in microgravity.

On this symposium, Prof. Longhua Hu was invited to give a Keynote Oral Presentation entitled “Limiting Oxygen Concentration (LOC) of flame spreading over electric wire at different inclinations in normal gravity and difference from microgravity”.
There were over 150 participants from Asia, Europe and America in the 10th AMS. AMS is now the biggest and important international symposium on microgravity science. The topics cover 10 different disciplines, including Combustion and Chemical Physics; Crystal, Colloid and Protein Growth; Electrostatic Levitation; Facilities and Techniques of Microgravity Experiments; Fundamental Physics; Heat and & Fluid Flow in Microgravity; Ground-based Microgravity Research; Life Sciences and Biotechnology in Space; Materials Sciences and & Functional Materials; and Thermophysical Properties.