In November 2014, the International Association on Wildland Fire (IAWF) has recently gone through a selection process to fill a vacancy on our Board of Directors. Naian Liu, a professor at the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science (SKLFS), University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), was elected by IAWF to be a new member of the Board of Directors. His official Board term will start from January 2015.
Liu’s research interests include fundamental researches of thermal decomposition of wildland fuels and extreme wildland fire behaviors such as fire whirl, multiple fires burning, eruptive fire and spot fire. In recent years, Prof. Liu has authored over 100 peer-reviewed research papers. His papers were published in international journals such as Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Combustion and Flame, Fire Safety Journal, Fire Technology, Fire and Materials, Energy and Fuels, AIChE Journal, and Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. He is the author of 8 plenary/invited speeches of international conferences.
He is currently serving as the Member of the International FORUM of Fire Research Directors; Member of International Scale Modeling Committee; Editorial Board Member of several international journals, including Fire Safety Journal (Associate Editor), Fire Technology, and Fire Science Reviews. He also serves as an associate editor of IAFSS Fire Safety Science News. He ever served as the Executive Organizing Committee Chair and Technical Program Chair of the 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology (2012), and the Organizing Committee Chair of the Annual Meeting of the International FORUM of Fire Research Directors (2012), the Topic Chair of Forest Fire of the 11th International Symposium for Fire Safety Science (2014), and the Colloquium co-chair of the 35th International Symposium on Combustion (2014). He is also a member of the Combustion Institute and IAFSS.