Li YL, Lu SX (2005) 'Oxidation reaction of typical n-alkanes in adiabatic condition.' (Science Press: Monmouth Junction) 636-639
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accelerating rate calorimeter,n-alkane,oxidation,ignition,
Abstract: To study the reaction kinetics of the additive for some energetic material, oxidation of two typical n-alkane at low temperature (<, 500 degrees C) was studied by Accelerating Rate Calorimeter. Onset temperature of exothermal reaction, max rate of temperature rise and temperature of max rate of temperature rise of n-heptane and n-hexadecane were made sure. According to the heat release rate, the reaction paths to ignition of sample n-alkane were discussed. The reaction rate constant and activation energy of different paths of n-heptane and n-hexadecane were got.