Wang QS, Sun JH, Chen SN, Liu Y, Wang Z (2005) 'Thermal stability evaluation of black powder, RDX, PETN and TNT.' (Science Press: Monmouth Junction) 235-240
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self-accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT), thermal, decomposition, explosive, C80 calorimeter, accelerating decomposition temperature, self-reactive substances, energetic materials, calorimetry, behaviors, system, sadt,
Abstract: Black powder, RDX, PETN and TNT are very important high energy explosives. All are used in a wide variety of military and industrial formulations owing to their suiable properities. In this work, the thermal decomposition charateristics of black powder, RDX, PETN and TNT were studied using C80 calorimeter thermal analytical techniques. Their kinetic parameters such as decomposition activation energy, the pre-exponential factor of the thermal decomposition reaction are evaluated by C80 micro calorimetry techniques. The self-accelerating decomposition temperatures (SADT) of 25 kg package material are caculated and compared by Semenov and Frank-Kamenctskii model, and the SADTs calculated by Semenov model are about 1.2-17.5 degrees C higher than the ones caculated by Frank-Kamenetskii model.