Lu HD, Hu Y, Xiao JF, Kong QH, Chen ZY, Fan WC (2005b) The influence of irradiation on morphology evolution and flammability properties of maleated polyethylene/clay nanocomposite. Materials Letters 59(6), 648-651. [In English]
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polyethylene, nanocomposite, irradiation, layered-silicate nanocomposites, polypropylene,
Abstract: The morphology and flammability properties of gamma-ray irradiated maleated polyethylene (PE)/clay nanocomposite were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and Cone calorimeter. The exfoliation of clay in the nanocomposites before and after irradiation has been verified by XRD and TEM studies. TEM images demonstrated that the morphology of the nanocomposite evolved via three stages under irradiation: ideally face-face ordered exfoliation followed by a completed disordered dispersion of stacked layers and relative ordered distribution of stacked layers. Cone calorimetry results exhibited that the improvement in heat release rate for irradiated materials were suppressed by the nanodispersion of clay layers, especially at high irradiation dose level. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.