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Zhang CF, Huo R, Li YZ, Chow WK, Asme (2005) (Amer Soc Mechanical Engineers: New York) 689-693
Date: 2011-08-17   Author: SKLFS  ,   Source: WOS  ,

Zhang CF, Huo R, Li YZ, Chow WK, Asme (2005) 'Stability of smoke layer under sprinkler water spray.' (Amer Soc Mechanical Engineers: New York) 689-693

Web link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/ht2005-72482


Abstract: Stability of smoke layer induced by a fire will be studied in this paper. A series of full-scale burning tests were carried out to study the interaction of the hot smoke layer with a sprinkler water spray. A new rig was built to give a smoke layer. The results show that the stability of a smoke layer will be disturbed by the discharged water spray. The operating pressure of the sprinkler system is a key point. When the smoke layer lost its stability, the dragging force acting on the smoke layer was found to be less than the buoyancy.

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