Xie QY, Zhang HP, Ye RB (2009c) Experimental study on melting and flowing behavior of thermoplastics combustion based on a new setup with a T-shape trough. Journal of Hazardous Materials 166(2-3), 1321-1325. [In English]
Web link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.12.057
Thermoplastics, Combustion, Melting, Flowing, T-shape trough
Abstract: The objective of this work is to quantitatively study the burning characteristics of thermoplastics. A new experimental setup with a T-shape trough is designed. Based on this setup, the loop mechanism between the wall fire and pool fires induced by the melting and dripping of thermoplastic can be well simulated and studied. Additionally, the flowing characteristics of pool fires can also be quantitatively analyzed. Experiments are conducted for PP and PE sheets with different thicknesses. The maximum distances of the induced flowing pool flame in the T-shape trough are recorded and analyzed. The typical fire parameters, such as heat release rates (HRRs), CO concentrations are also monitored. The results show that the softening and clinging of the thermoplastic sheets plays a considerable role for their vertical wall burning. It is illustrated that the clinging of burning thermoplastic sheet may be mainly related with the softening temperatures and the ignition temperatures of the thermoplastics, as well as their viscosity coefficients. Through comparing the maximum distances of flowing flame of induced pool fires in the T-shape trough for thermoplastic sheets with different thicknesses, it is indicated that the pool fires induced by PE materials are easier to flow away than that of PP materials. Therefore. PE materials may be more dangerous for their faster pool fire spread on the floor. These experimental results preliminarily illustrate that this new experimental setup is helpful for quantitatively studying the special burning feature of thermoplastics although further modifications is needed for this setup in the future. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.