Yuan LM, Cox G (1996) An experimental study of some line fires. Fire Safety Journal 27(2), 123-139. [In English]
Web link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0379-7112(96)00047-1
Abstract: Flame length, velocity, temperature and mass-flux measurements for some line fires are reported. As would be expected from theoretical considerations, laminar flame lengths are shown to scale as Q(1)(4/3) whilst turbulent flames scale as Q(1)(2/3). The velocity and temperature data in and above the turbulent flame system are shown to be reduced by a scaling related to flame length in a very similar manner to axisymmetric systems. An interesting adjustment occurs just above the flame tip as the constant velocity associated with the 'intermittent' flame region decays to a new, apparently different constant velocity associated with the non-reacting plume. The air entrainment coefficient deduced for the non-reacting, buoyant plume region in the Boussinesq approximation and assuming Gaussian distributions for horizontal velocity and temperature is 0.13. Crown copyright (C) 1997.