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Hu LH, Zhu S, Chow WK, Huo R, Chen ZB, Tang F (2011) Experimental Heat Transfer 24(1), 15-33.
Date: 2011-08-11   Author:  ,   Source: SKLFS  ,

Hu LH, Zhu S, Chow WK, Huo R, Chen ZB, Tang F (2011) Vertical Temperature Profile of a Buoyant Plume in an Atrium. Experimental Heat Transfer 24(1), 15-33. [In English]

Web link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08916152.2010.502050


axis-symmetric fire plume, gasoline pool fire, centerline temperature, power law decay index, hydrocarbon pool fires, 2-layer zone model, mechanical exhaust

Abstract: The temperatures of buoyant fire plumes were measured vertically and compared with the Zukoski model, the Heskestad model, and the McCaffrey model. Predictions by the Heskestad and McCaffrey models were closer to the measured value with average deviation of 18.4% and 18.6%, respectively, while those by the Zukoski model were much lower than the measured value with average deviation of 36.7%. The power law decay index of z was found to increase slightly with fire size, rather than being constant in the models. The coefficient for the variation of T with Q2/3 z-5/3 it was found to be 20.9 experimentally, near to that of the Heskestad and McCaffrey models.

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