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Study on pyrolysis and gas-phase ignition mechanism of charring combustibles based on the exothermic effect of char-layer surface oxidation
Date: 2011-08-07   Author:   Source:

Project Title: Study on pyrolysis and gas-phase ignition mechanism of charring combustibles based on the exothermic effect of char-layer surface oxidation

Principal Investigator: Prof. Yang Lizhong

Funding Source: National Natural Science Fundation of China

Project Period: 2010.1-2012.12

Abstract:Char surface oxidation with a high heat release rate significantly affects the ignition process of solid charring fuels.This challenge motivates us to focus on the mechanism of char oxidation reaction and meantime develop a theoretical pyrolysis model for charring materials including char oxidation process. It’s an advantage to give accurate predictions for combustible properties in an initial stage or a developing stage of fire disaster. This project concentrates on the heat release of char surface oxidation and the gaseous phase ignition of mixture combustible gas above the solid surface. For the first step, massive experimental samples will be test on cone calorimeter with different heat fluxes and different orientations of radiation. This work is quite essential for us to make good sense of what are correct physical and chemical mechanisms that basically control the whole char oxidation process. In addition, based on the experimental research, a theoretical non-inertia gas pyrolysis model coupling char surface oxidation will be developed to do some numerical simulations. Finally, our experiments will expand to lower pressure circumstances, and the effect of atmospheric pressure and oxidizer concentration on the ignition of solid charring fuels will be investigated as well, so that, with the aid of comparisons between simulation results and additional experimental results, modifying our model to go for more practical situations.
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