Project Title: Studyon thermophysical issues of fire protection at low atmospheric pressure of high altitude
Principal Investigator: Prof. Yang Lizhong
Funding Source: National Natural Science Fundation of China
Project Period: 2011.1-2014.12
Abstract: This project aims at the fire protection demands in relative lower pressure-low oxygen density environment in high altitude. Fire combustion experimental platform will be built at different level of altitude to investigate the fire behavior including pyrolysis and ignition, fire spread, fire plume entrainment and smoke spread, as well as the thermal physical signal recognition method. The influence of atmosphere pressure and oxygen density on the pyrolysis behavior and horizontal and vertical spread over solid fuel surface will be revealed. Burning speed model, non-dimensionless flame height model, fire plume entrainment and centerline temperature and smoke filling model will be built for the special low pressure-low oxygen density environment at plateau. The corresponding recognition method for the fire signals will be developed based on the revealing of the variation of fire detection thermal physical parameters under low pressure-low oxygen density environment. The achievements will be expected to reveal the scientific essence of combustion behavior and fire spread under such low pressure and low oxygen environment, and to build the fire dynamics theory at plateau and enrich the fire science contents