Prof. Michael Delichatsios had successfully been selected as Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists of 2009-2010 and will take cooperative research and exchange for 7 months staying with us. During October~December 2010, Prof.Delichatisios had finished his first period of visiting time here, gave 3 academic speeches and discussed scientific research with every group of SKLFS. He also had carried out experiment together with Dr. Longhua Hu’s research group on enclosure flame ejection behavior and spill plume characteristics. We are very glad that Prof. Delichatsios visits us again now and will stay with us during 2011 July ~ September.
Prof. Michael Delichatsios is a famous scientist in the research field of combustion and fire safety science. He got his Ph.D. in MIT and now being the director of Fire Safety Engineering Research and Technology Center (Fire SERT), Ulster University. He serves as Visiting Professor at the University of Poitiers, Technical University of Athens, BRI (Building Research Institute) Japan, COE in Fire at the Tokyo University of Science, Co-joint Professor at the University of Newcastle Australia and Member of CI (Combustion Institute), ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) USA, IAFSS (International Association of Fire Safety Science), SFPE (Society of Fire Protection Engineers) USA, AOFST (Asian Oceania Association for Fire Safety and Technology), Society for Fire Safety (SFS) Australia. He is also the Chairman of WG8 in ISOTC92 fire safety committee, Paper chairman for USA for the Fourth IAFSS meeting, Paper chairman and Editor for the Fifth Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, Editor Advisory Board of the International Journal for Fire Science and Technology and Colloquium Co-Chair of 33rd International Symposium on Combustion.
Prof. Michael Delichatsios had published over 100 refereed papers on top journals of our research field, such as Proceedings of Combustion Institute, Combustion and Flame, Combustion Science and Technology, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.