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Hydrogen Safety Research: State-of-the-Art
Date: 2010-07-23   Author:   Source: 英文_火灾科学国家重点实验室

Title:  Hydrogen Safety Research- State-of-the-Art

Speaker: Vladimir Molkov

From:  University of Ulster
Date:  July. 25, 2010

CV of the Speaker:

Prof Molkov received his MSc in Common and Applied Physics from Moscow University of Physics and Technology in 1977, PhD in Chemical Physics, including Physics of Combustion and Explosions from the same University in 1984, and DSc in Fire Safety from All-Russian Institute for Fire Protection in 1997. Prof Molkov is Professor of Fire Safety Science at the University of Ulster since June 1999. Before he led the Department of Fire Safety in Buildings and Fire Modelling at All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection, and carried out collaborative research at the University of Tokyo (1997-1998). He has established at UU a new direction of research in the area of fire and explosion safety, i.e. hydrogen safety, and the HySAFER (Hydrogen Safety Engineering and Research) team with internationally recognised research and education activities with external funding in 2007 totalling of �1.1M. The thrust in research is on modelling and large eddy simulations of hydrogen releases and dispersion, including high pressure under-expanded jets, spontaneous ignition of sudden releases, jet fires, deflagrations and detonations at large scales, innovative hydrogen mitigation technologies. HySAFER is a partner in the European Network of Excellence HySafe (www.hysafe.org). The world�s first higher education postgraduate course in hydrogen safety commenced at UU in January 2007. The European Summer School on Hydrogen Safety (http://www.engj.ulst.ac.uk/esshs/hycourse/index.php) is held annually in Belfast and supported by the European Commission and the US Department of Energy. The list of research publication by Prof Molkov can be found at the HySAFER website http://www.engj.ulst.ac.uk/tacg/. He is a deputy editor of Fire and Explosion Safety journal, member of the Editorial Board of Fire Safety Journal, Guest Editor of Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries (special issue on Hydrogen Safety), Editor of the Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards (ISFEH), and co-editor of the Proceedings of the 4th ISFEH (2004) and the 5th ISFEH (2007) together with Prof Derek Bradley (Leeds) and Prof Dougal Drysdale (Edinburgh). Prof Molkov is a member of the Combustion Institute, the International Association for Fire Safety Science, the Explosion Protection Committee of the National Fire Protection Association (USA), and a number of scientific committees of international conferences, including International Conference on Hydrogen Safety; International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions; International Symposium on Non-equilibrium Processes, Combustion and Atmospheric Phenomena; International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards; etc. He was invited to deliver lectures in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Taiwan, UK at different conferences and institutions.

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